You can register for courses when the Registrar’s Office has set up online enrollment periods. During these periods, you can enroll in courses, sign up to audit them and drop courses
- When you log in to myHeritage, you’ll see an alert on your Home page that looks like this. Click the alert to go the registration page.
- Go to My Profile and click the Registration tab.
How to register for courses
First, let’s get oriented:
- My Courses shows the courses (if any) in which you’re already registered for the term shown in the selector.
- Available Courses shows the courses for which you may register.
- Course names link to the Course > Info view, where you can have a look at course details. If information is missing, contact the professor.
- Faculty names link to their Profiles.
- indicates
that you’ve already passed this course. But it doesn’t prevent you from registering for it.
To register for courses:
- Find a course under Available Courses. Pay close attention to the section numbers. Section 1 – in class, Section 2 – online/distance learning. Click either the Enroll or Audit plus signs. Go to Home > Dashboard to see more detailed information regarding section numbers.
- If you see a greyed out icon in either column, you cannot register for that course in that way. Reasons include:
- There may be an enrollment limit placed on the course.
- You have not fulfilled the prerequisites to enroll in that course.
- You have already registered for another section of that same course.
- As you select courses, the information for Available Courses updates:
- The meeting times for regular weekly courses offered on campus that have schedule conflicts with My Courses turn red. Multi modal and modular courses are listed separately under Course Calendar by clicking on each individual course.
- The enroll/audit options for alternate sections of My Courses deactivate .
- Hours/credits turn red if those courses would cause you to run afoul of the term’s Max Hours/Credits
- To remove a course, click the ‘minus’ button under My Courses.
- Click Save to finish. You can also click Undo Changes to erase any changes you made since you last saved registration.
A few things to remember…
- Select courses in consultation with your Faculty Advisor.
- The Registrar or your Faculty Advisor may apply a lock to your account. If that is the case, you’ll see a yellow banner at the top of the screen. As long as the lock is in place, you will not be able to make any changes to your registration—the Registrar or your Faculty Advisor must do so.
- If you’re having trouble with registration, please contact your Faculty Advisor.
- Your Faculty Advisor is listed under Student tab. Look to the right side of your screen under Student Information.
The above information has been custom editted from Populi Help.