Welcome to Heritage College and Seminary

Hey there, welcome aboard!  As you already know, we’re pretty excited to have you join the team here at Heritage.  And we have high hopes about your partnership in our continuing mission to equip men and women for life and ministry.  Here are a few things that will help you get started.


You have a Heritage ID account and a myHeritage account.  They are two different things.  I know, we were very original about the naming of these accounts.

  • Heritage ID – This is the account that is tied to your email and will grant you access to most computers on campus.  It is made up of the username/email and password that you were given by your manager when you started.  It will also grant you access to a number of systems; office computers, your email, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Teams, printers, ADP Workforce Now, etc.
  • myHeritage account – myHeritage (the developer is Populi) is the system that keeps track of our student records, handles course and program details, manages student billing and donations, and is also a learning management system.

Wireless Access

There are two wireless networks available on-campus.  The first is a public access network for use by our students and guests for general access to the internet.  The second is our secured network for use by our staff and faculty that provides direct access to our server infrastructure and faster upload speeds.  Details are below.

  • Name: Heritage. Open network, needs no password.
  • Name: Heritage Staff. Closed network.  See the IT Manager for access.

Other Apps & Tools

  • Office 365 is a set of cloud-based apps and tools that enable us to communicate, write, organize, and manage.  Login to Office 365 by using the URL office.heritagecs.edu.
  • Microsoft OneDrive is personal cloud storage that’s included as an App within your school Office 365.  Navigate to office.heritagecs.edu and login with your Heritage ID.  OneDrive provides you with 1TB of cloud storage and can be setup to synchronize files between your computer and the cloud.
  • Microsoft Teams is an excellent video conference and collaboration solution.  We use Microsoft Teams for inter-office chat and team collaboration on projects.  We also use Teams as a video conference tools for meetings and to delivery our live streaming courses.  There are Windows 10, MacOS, iOS and Android apps for both OneDrive and Teams.  You can access Teams directly from teams.microsoft.com or by logging into Office 365 (above) and clicking the Teams icon.
  • Your Home drive.  When you login to a Windows-based computer, your home drive will automatically mount.  The H: drive is a spot on the server where you can store your own personal files that only you have access to.  In some cases, the primary Documents, Desktop, Photos, etc. directories point to these same folders on the server.  Access to your Home drive can be setup for MacOS users with a quick trip to see the IT Manager.
  • File storage and collaboration is handled by our file servers.  One of the main locations for this is the Staff Drive, which will be mounted automatically when you log in to a Windows-based computer.  For Mac users, please see the IT Manager to get set up.
  • Heritage VPN – this tools provides a way to connect back to the Heritage campus network when you’re off-site.  If you have a Heritage laptop, chances are the VPN configuration is already complete.  All you need to do connect using your Heritage ID.  Feel free to check out the article on Connecting to the Heritage Network using a VPN for more details.

If you need tech support, please email rshouldice@heritagecs.edu or message me on Microsoft Teams.

Our Website (Outlook & Helpdesk)

There are a few easter eggs on our website that act as quick links to important locations.  So, head over to discoverheritage.ca and check out these links.

  • Outlook & Helpdesk – links to these two locations can be found in the footer of the website.  Just head to discoverheritage.ca and scroll all the way to the bottom.  Outlook is a web-based version of Outlook where you can access your Heritage email.  Helpdesk is a page that provides a useful jumping off point to the most important Apps & Tools, including to this Helpdesk site (Salo).
  • myHeritage, Moodle, and Live –  These three links live in the header of every page.  They are located there because they are the most high traffic and timely links that folks look for.

Classroom Articles

The knowledgebase contains several articles about classroom equipment and how to operate it.  All classroom articles can be found under the Classrooms category.  Two specific articles that will help you get up to speed quickly are as follows.


These are useful articles on how to add an email account to a Smartphone (if desired) and how to connect to a printer from any of the Windows 10 workstations.  MacOS users, please see the IT Manager.