Update William Installation

William is the main database used at Heritage College and Seminary for managing the institution’s course catalog, student records, financial records, and much more.

William is a Microsoft Access 2003 database and is hosted on our internal servers.  It is accessible via the W: drive for each user who is granted access.  To update your installation of William please follow these simple steps.

  1. Navigate to the W: drive (Start -> Computer -> W:\).
  2. Double-click the update.bat file to run the update utility.
  3. Done.

Yes, it was that easy!

Import Attendance Dates for Courses

Kirsha will send a spreadsheet of class id’s and course dates.  It will look something like this.

ClassID    CourseDate
7943    13-Jan
7943    20-Jan
7943    27-Jan
7949    11-Jan
7949    18-Jan
7949    25-Jan

It will contain a list dates for each class throughout the semester.  Our job is to import this data into the tblClassDates table in William.


  1. Open William in design mode.
  2. Click ‘External Data‘.  On the Import tab click ‘Excel‘.
  3. Work through the wizard, choosing the spreadsheet and Append a copy of the records to the table.
  4. The table that we need to import into is called tblClassDates.

To verify the result open the Attendence tracking form (frmAttendenceTracking – also there a button called Attendence on the Registrar start form).  Click the ‘Classes and Dates‘ button and choose one of the class that you know should have dates associated with it.  The new semester’s date will appear in the Dates field below.

Heritage IT Helpdesk

I wanted to let you know about a new tool available to us. The Heritage IT Helpdesk. If you have an issue that needs our (my) attention, send an email to helpdesk@heritage-theo.edu. I will see your email in my inbox, and it will automatically get put into a list so that I can view history on in and respond accordingly.

We are planning to use it in the following ways.

  • Track issues with your workstations/laptops/phones/tablets and the server technologies you work with day-to-day.
  • Prioritize problems and requests for new solutions.
  • Get a better handle on our hardware and software digital inventory.

The Heritage IT Helpdesk is super easy to use. Again, if you need support with your workstation, database, applications, etc., send an email to helpdesk@heritage-theo.edu. You can do this from anywhere, using any device (think Outlook or Smartphone) and from any email address. When you write the email, here are some best practices for helping me help you solve the issue quickly and reliably.

  1. In the Subject of your email write a concise, specific description of the problem.
  2. In the body of the email give me a little more detail. For example, if there is an error message, write in the error message.
  3. Give me, in one word, a sense of the priority for the issue. For example, if the problem is blocking you from work, then the priority is high. If the issue is blocking you from working, but you have an adequate work around for the next couple days, then the priority is medium. If it’s a feature request, or idea for improving our lives, it’s likely a low priority.

It is my hope that the Helpdesk will be able to assist us in proper issue tracking. Going forward we will be able to do much better trending analysis on the types of issues that are reoccurring.

Update William Version

Put William into Development mode.  The following procedure should be done on each file that’s part of the William database.  The files are.

  • hdata.mdb – The main database file itself.  Mode tables and stored queries live here.  This file will need to be opened exclusively in order to change the version.
  • heritage.mdw – Workgroup file that contains user authentication and authorization data.
  • h_user.mdb
  • heritage.mdb – The main front end file.

In each file, update the version for the properties of the file.  Procedure is as follows.

  • With the file open in Access, go to Menu -> Manage -> Database Properties.
  • In the Properties dialog, in the Custom tab click on the ‘Version’ name in the Properties list/field.  Increment the value.
  • Click Modify.  Click Ok.
  • Choose Menu -> Manage – > Compact and Repair.
  • Save it and close.

Outlook Web Access

Congratulations on joining the Heritage College and Seminary email community.

Logon to the Heritage College and Seminary email server from the following link using the credentials supplied.

If your email address is bsmith@heritage-theo.edu, then your username is 

Outlook Web Access

 Username: <your-heritage-username>
 Password: <your-heritage-password>

It would be smart to change your password when you login for the first time.  This can be done from the Options menu in the top right corner.  Click Options then Change Your Password... and follow the instructions.

Activate Heritage Email Account on a Smartphone

The Heritage email server is hosted on-site using Microsoft Exchange. Microsoft Exchange provides a number of advances features beyond basic email. Most of these features you will be familiar with such as Calendar and Contacts. But, Microsoft also includes a number of features for ‘free’.

By free, I mean that out of the box Microsoft Exchange provides a protocol (ActiveSync) that allows us to synchronize our communications data between different endpoints.  One of those endpoints is Microsoft Outlook.  Other endpoints can include a smartphone (such as an iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, or Windows Phone device) or a web browser.

Below are the settings that your smartphone will need in order to activate your Heritage account.  It will give you Email, Contacts, and Calendar sync between the server and your phone (and Outlook, and the web access site).

  • Username: [your-full-Heritage-ID]
  • Password: [your-Heritage-ID-password]
  • Email Address: [your-Heritage-email-address]
  • Domain (if needed):
  • Mail Server Address (if needed):

Your Heritage account can also be accessed from a web browser using Outlook Web App from http://mail.heritagecs.edu.